Can u say. LOSER??
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
People these days!
Wats up wit stoopid rude ppl @ King/Drew nowadays???
Some stoopid girl gon like run into me..and when i say sumthin 2
her..her friend wanna look back @ me givin me the stink
she was about 2 sumthin!..but guess what..stoopid heffa didn't say 1
I swear man..I'm sick of tht skool and the rude and ghetto ppl that go
like chill on my street like they really about to do something!..throwin
pinecones nd acorns nd ish`!..lmaoo!
Dumb butt kiddsz!..imma end up beatin them wit a stick if they mess wit
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
OH yeaaa..
Valentine`s Day..
P.S. maybe the song will get you in the spirit!![[i actually like tht song]]
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
I feel like I've dug a hole..fell in..and can't seem to find the
strength to climb out..and i don't even know the first place to look for
tht strength..
Its like I'm in a box..w/out a voice..and i happen to be on my way to a
place out of my favor..but there`s no way out..
Why does "life" this "BIG deal" have to be like this??
Why do we have to feel restricted..inferior?..why can't i find the voice
to speak out??..but all I can do is stay content and just cry while
thinking about this situation.. me.
Hello, my name is: trapped! =\
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
He`s Wayy HoTT!!
He`s sooper cute as you can see..for more info visit the Push Play