Monday, August 17, 2009
Nite Out with the bros:]
fun that night haha. It was real chillll, no movies, just chilllled:)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
And its only been 1 day but ialready LOVE it:]
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sooooo..I get boreddd:]
that I can remember] ! Smh. Hmm..4 days until my bdayyy ! Finally,
Finally, Finallly !!! =)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Designers Raising HAVOC
Freshjive· The Hundreds· Hellz
Thursday July 30, 2009 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Presented by LA artlab
Join three of the most influential and innovative street wear designers for a frank discussion about what it takes to start a label, develop it, keep it sharp and maintain its creative integrity.
Rick Klotz, Bobby Hundreds and Lanie Alabanza-Barcena will speak about the ideas and challenges behind running their companies, and keeping their designs relevant in a world with serious problems
Bring your thoughts and questions to the table – this is an open forum for youth, design students, entrepreneurs and creative activists.
LA artlab is an all volunteer project helping teens and young adults engage in the various facets of the Los Angeles art scene and California's creative economy by providing hands-on oppurtunities to help design, produce, and host free art events!
Limited giveaways by: Freshjive, The Hundredsand Hellz
Music by: Dj KnowStyle
Info at:
National Center for the Preservation of Democracy
111 N. Central Ave.
Los Angeles, CA. 90012
Monday, July 27, 2009
& her's is tina lol. Jahnae was being wack and didn't do it. Oh
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
TOMS shoe drop !
and i might get a shirt !
or you can get me some for my bday..i wear a size 8 !
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Paris Hilton's Pups are "livin' it up"...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
bet he'll say it's rebel-ish lol.
Im confusedd..idk why..just simpin & stuff lol.
Srry this is random af & unclear..
Disregard this post !
La La La..
since summer began, SMDH. But yes, im proud of myself..I finally stopped
being lazy ! Oh yeah, and I started reading 1 of my books for school
last night..another great accomplishment lol.
More than likely going dress shopping today :)
Yesssss, 23 more days !
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
My Bestfriend, like the REAL kind...
R.I.P. Diamond, my real bestfriend.
I`ll Never Forget You Baby Girl !
4.19.09. I lost my bestf cuhh, SMH.
Monday, July 13, 2009
HOPE, what is hope ?
--Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.
--Hope is not a dream but a way of making dreams become reality.
--What oxygen is to the lungs, such is hope to the meaning of life.
--Hope is knowing that people, like kites, are made to be lifted up.
--Hope-Hope in the face of difficulty. Hope in the face of uncertainty. The audacity of hope. In the end, that's God's greatest gift to us, the bedrock of this nation. A belief in things not seen. A belief that there are better days ahead.
These are my favorite "hope" quotes !
hey, you there !
yesss, i cant wait..its gonna be too much fun !
Im happy about my escort, getting my dress real soon, invitations also coming soon !
AHHH, cant wait !
that love..

Sunday, July 12, 2009
the stash..
done came up on "the stash". lol.
really believe I am one. haha, boredom drives ppl like destiny,
jahnae, and myself to do things like this. well, this picture isn't
really clear so you're probably sitting there wondering what the heck
I'm talking abt. Hopefully you got a clue when I said "pyro", yes I'm
talking abt fire. So we were bored one day and decided to light
destiny's wall on fire, a countless number of times. haha, it's pretty
simple..spray perfume, body spray, or anything containing alcohol onto
a wall, (the more you let it drip down the wall, the bigger it comes
out), and put a lighter up to the wall, and light it, turn the lights
out in the room and you can see it better. We had too much fun with
that SMH.
Don't you LOVE Summer:)
For Starters, it gives me stuff to blog about, and im sure plenty of ppl
enjoy the sun and nice weather that summer brings, because its
everyone's excuse to pull out the bathing suits, short shorts, and head
to the beach.
I guess that explains why the beach is so crowded..but I still don't
think that summer is a good excuse to let your kids go out in boxers and
underwear. If you're taking your kid to the beach, get the kid some
swimming trunks smdh.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Oh yeahh..
should be fun, right smack in the middle of summer lol.
Anywho, go to youtube and type in "creamie says official video" and
click on the first one. That's my nephew's group, OverDoz, I think
they're pretty cool so they're gonna perform at my party !
This is for you...
day pahaha..her amateur photography is a joke, smh.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
RIP MJ, the greatest.
Ill Be There - Jackson 5
for supposed to remain in shape for volleyball over summer because we arent starting practice until august 19th davis gave us logs that we are supposed to fill out because we are supposed to do some sort of physical activity everyday to stay in shape & condition. Me, being the lazy bumb that i am, have yet to start doing anything to keep myself in shape or condition myself. Im gonna have a lot of working out to do in order to not go out there the first practice and look like i sat on my butt all summer.
example #2, me & sunburn(madre) are planning on doing the LA Marathon next year, and we decided that summer break would give us the perfect opportunity to start training individually however, I, being the lazy bumb that I am, have yet to do any running or cardiovascular workout in preparation for the LA Marathon.
I need to know what can I do to motivate myself to get of my buttox and do some working out. How about me a solid and pay for my gym membership, and come pick me up and take me to the gym everyday. Matter of fact, ut me a jumprope & some other workout stuff..maybe ill use it !
ps. Yesterday made 3 months of me not eating thing i can say im proud of !
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
This Kid Here, smh !
rudest, nicest little kid you'll ever meet its so cute. He's only 3 and
the stuff he says and the way he says it is hysterical.
1. Yesterday, we were sitting on the floor to take a group picture of
the family. So he's sitting on my lap and there's a girl who's probably
abt 10 yrs old sitting in front of us so that you can see me over her
but you can't see my nephew. Soooo...he kicks the girl in her back and
says "MOVEEE" so the girl turns around and just looks and doesn't move
so im like "B, say excuse me" so he kicks her again, and says "HEY,
escuse meeeeeh" lmao. That was the funniest thing ever, omg.
2. We're in the car, headed back to Los Angeles from Phoenix. So my
nephews are in the back seat, and this one is like "AD, lemme see your
nose" so AD flares up his nose, and B says " AD, you got boogersssss"
lmao, that was the cutest but weirdest thing everr.
3. He's convinced im 4 yrs old, and his dad is 8, smh he's crazayyy.
4. He calls snow-cones "ice cream cups".
So basically like...this boy is too funny. I love 3 yr. olds ! Well no I
dnt, just this one:) btw, AD is pronounced A-D, short for Adrian who is
my other nephew.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
inspiration, motivation, and insight. . .
*There are two great days in a person's life - the day we are born and the day we discover why.
*We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.
*Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.
--just a little food for thought:)